Here’s our 63th AMA recap!
Thank you to the Infinity Chain for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with SafeTrip on April 11, 2021. This guest star,
- Bob Dylan
Could you provide a simple description SafeTrip for our community? What the motivation for starting build SafeTrip?
Bob Dylan,
I created a project called Master Farmer many months ago it had a code called Global Decay that rebases the supply
this code had a small bug that threw off everything
we have worked for months to create the perfect revolutionary decay code
it rebases the supply at different percentages daily, depending on the needs of the project
this allows the supply to grow from day one and reach a max supply, which is maintained by rebases
the farm will constantly reward tokens at max supply
and lower a small amount daily, which means anyone holding tokens in their wallet will lose a small percentage
and farmers will gain tokens, the rebase also increases the tokens value
token relative to BNB for example, token supply goes down BNB stays constant
this encourages farming and allows a farm to constantly reward farmers but never inflate beyond a certain amount
this is the deflationary code on safetrip and first live project with it
and it works well
this will bring about a revolution in defi most likely
it addresses one of the biggest issues of farming projects, over inflation of supply. some projects set a max supply, but then they must lower the rewards, we no longer need to do that
the globaldecaynetwork is being built
safetrip has also rewards to stakers from the LP tax 50% of the lp tax
encourages staking, the native token preventing dumps
we are working currently on a deflationary slot game
all these things i have been making for months with my loyal trusted head dev, now i currently work with 6 devs
Does SafeTrip has its own token? Can you explain about the tokenomics and use-cases of this token? how much supply is available?
Bob Dylan,
we set max supply at 12 Million based on the decay level of 3% daily. we have a max decay also set at 1% per 8hr period
the use cases of trip token we plan NFTs, a psychadelic market where u pay in TRIP token and of course the slot machine and farm :D
premint was 10,000 tokens which will mostly go to the liquidity pool
Alright, about security and transparency, how can you assure us that SafeTrip is safe?
Bob Dylan,
migrator code is removed, the project will be deployed with a 6hr timelock allowing us to lower the super high tokens per block we are starting at every 6hrs until we get to a more reasonable 3TPB and we will increase timelock to 48hrs at that point
LP tokens will be burned
Last question, can you please tell us the current SafeTrip road map? How far has SafeTrip been developed at this time? and what will you realize in the future?
Bob Dylan,
safetrip will launch with a farm and then we will add the lottery soon after (which is ready)
April 11th — 5pm UTC- Add LP tokens Burn and Farm goes live- Moon Trip
April 12th — Apply to Coingecko, Coinmarket Cap, Blockfolio
April 13th — Audit
April 14th — Lottery
April 20th — Layered Farming
May — Safetrip Deflationary Slot Game
May 15th — NFTs
June — Psychadelic Marketplace
this is our roadmap
our code has been audited before anyway but we will re-audit it is a pancake fork
Q1. How do you make users believe that this is a high-quality, long-term project? Would you please share 3 main points to convince them?
Bob Dylan,
the deflationary mechanisms, the well thought out user interface, the care taken by myself in the project
we have various deflationary mechanisms, trans burn, daily decays, and games + tokens from mints will also be burned
when we say a slot machine it means all tokens submitted to the game will be instantly burned
our contract is designed that way we will never take a users tokens from a game
Q2. Can you tell us more about “Global Decay”? How does the “Global Decay” system work to maintain supply and keep prices stable or raise prices?
Bob Dylan,
yes global decay can be anything from 0.1% daily to 15% on a crazy project what it does is prevent inflation. Normally a farm rewards and thus the supply continues to grow devaluing the token, GD lowers the supply it doesnt burn tokens, it lowers the supply which affects all locations
meaning if u go to sleep with 100 tokens in your wallet u wake up with 97, but if u are farming and the apy is good no problem, the apy must be calculated to work with the decay rate
Q3. Many users have difficulty allocating tokens such as liquidity pools, low compound interest, and high transaction fees, what about SafeTrip? What does it offer? And how do you educate people to farm at SafeTrip?
Bob Dylan,
no problem we will be adding stake with BNB code for noobs
and make videos on how to farm
stake with BNB means the user doesnt need to know anything about farming only hold BNB in their wallet, we have already developed this code, so it wont take long to implement
they click farm, and the contract asks the user how many bnb they want to buy of TRIP, it buys the trip and stakes the BNB and TRIP on Pancake, and provides the user with an LP token
which they can then stake easily on the farm, no need to leave
Q4. What kind of partnerships with different projects/platforms/protocols can we expect from SafeTrip in the future?
Bob Dylan,
Safetrip will be listed on the global decay network soon when that platform is 100% ready, it has already been coded and whitepaper is in progress, we have various friends in Defi dont worry we will have many partnerships :D
like i said we will create a psychadelic marketplace we will sell legal things healing plants that can be attained on normal websites and users can pay in trip token
we can start by just selling sage for example or safetrip hats, and build up as things progress
Q5. How do you think with Asia market? Does your team have any plan approach ASEAN which the potential market in crypto, there have many great teams and investors want work and earn money from crypto?
Bob Dylan,
well we already have a large Vietnamese community, one of our best friends is a long time follower and supporter of the Global Decay Code and has been helping a lot with the launch, we also have a chinese dev on our team who added our translation plugin
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Thank you for trusting Infinity Chain as the organizer of the event today, hopefully everyone can understand about SafeTrip.
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