Infinity_Chain News
12 min readDec 9, 2020

Thank you to the Infinity Chain Club for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Prasaga on December 8, 2020. This guest star,

1. Michael Holdmann — Founder / CEO
2. Joy Moore — Co-Founder / CEO

Here’s our 21th AMA recap!

1. Michael Holdmann — Founder / CEO
2. Joy Moore — Co-Founder / CEO


Michael Holdmann ,
I am Founder & CEO of Prasaga. I have been involved in technology sector in Telecom, Network, Internet, Software for 5 decades my focus as strategist, biz dev, evangelist, and visionary.

Prasaga is my 4th start up.

I started a mission to create a ubiquitous, decentralized, open, equitable, technical foundation that would allow all everywhere to participate on a global playing field. My first endeavor to solve this was an Application Service Provider (ASP) in mid/late 90’s, what we call cloud today.

For the last decade I have been collaborating for international open standards for the Internet of Things to ensure the ability for anything to talk to anything or anyone regardless of data model, protocol, platform or provider.

What I discovered was the need to Decentralize the industry to ensure the citizen was in power, not large walled gardens run by the FAANG.

This is what Prasaga will deliver to the world. The foundation for all transactions, financial or other.

Jay Moore,
I’m a massively parallel entrepreneur, Prasaga marks my 12th new venture, I have enjoyed creating everything from an ISP and a design firm to a franchise restaurant chain and game streaming middleware.

My largest success was at GarageGames where we changed game development, coined the term “Indie Games” and built a community of 250,000 indie game developers in the early 2000’s.

Prasaga is by far the most exciting venture I have ever had the privilege of being a part of to help make a better future for all of us as I see blockchain as the key to so many innovations and improvements to our global quality of life. We not only create an economy that works we have built philanthropic efforts into the mix.

We have been working on this project for 3 years and now we are very excited to tell the chance to share with Infinity Group community about Prasaga and the DataGrid Blockchain. Someday I predict you will tell others you heard about Prasaga before they had even launched on DeFi pools.

Q1. Starting with the most basic questions, can you decribe what is Prasaga in a few words that are easily understood by our Community? How did you get idea create Prasaga?

Jay Moore,
Prasaga is a Foundation based organization that is authoring the DataGrid Blockchain. A new native chain and coin project, embracing developers, miners and token holders.

PrasagGa in Sanskrit. “All that connected with or results from everything”, we started as an IoT/Smart city platform company which after researching a blockchain to use for our other tech, realized we had to build our own ground up.

We began as an IoT/SmartCity data marketplace.
We discovered we’d need to build a blockchain that truly scaled.

Now we have done that!

Q2. What sets Prasaga apart from other competitors that makes it stand ahead?

Jay Moore,
{I will answer in 2 parts}

{1} We like to prove our work and patent it to protect it from centralized threats so we can open source for the world.

{2} There is so much that does. Let’ just list a few. We have looked at all of the major projects prior to the design of DataGrid Blockchian and XBOM. We have written over 200 pages and 100,000+ words in our Notes Documents for research of consensus, scale, security, decentralization and sustainabilty in their economic models. We ended up desiging something that turns the industry on its head. We DO scale, secure, decentralize and have a sustainable monetary policy that is not a race to zero.

Q3. Can you explain about the tokenomics and use-cases of DGT token? how much supply is available? Where we can buy DGT?

Jay Moore,
Use Cases are all blockchain uses. We are a better platform for DeFi, we are working on Supply chain, automotive, aeronautics, pharma and logistics. RegTech and InsureTech. We have solutions being worked on in other FinTech applications.


We will first start with the Pre-sale

Total minted $DGT 53,278,888,889

Pre-sale- Total token distribution
$DGT- 1.36bn
$DGT- 5% unlocked linearly during DeFi Pools (12 months)

Liquidity Bootstrap Pool (LBP)
$DGT- 2 billion will be released into circulation over 96 hours.
$DGT linearly over 12 month DeFi campaign

12-month DeFi Campaign
$DGT up to 21 billion


$DGT will start to mine upon launch of main net

All Early Token Holders unlock on same vesting schedule as Founders, Team and Early Token Holders

5% on listing of native $DGT
30% in months 24, 36, 48.

We are in Presale now $100k min, we will announce the launch of our community presale whitelist soon $5k min and then go onto DeFi on Balancer and others.

Q4. Can you explain to us about XBOM? What are the advantages of this XBOM over the Smart Contract model?

Jay Moore,
The eXtensible Blockchain Object Model is a Frist Class object model architecture currenty used for the worlds leading operating systems Windows and MacOS X. We have developed a Decetralized GlobalOS and intergrated into the blockchain.

This allows a much different foundation than the ugly smart contract offerings in which you NEVER have actual possession of the asset you own until you withdraw. Also, it eliminates the need to another smart contact to be placed between the two smart contracts you want to engage in a transacton. There are no intermediaries.

Q5. And last question. let’s discuss about Prasaga roadmap. What are your plans for this month or before the end of this year? And What is Prasaga target for next year that you want to achieve?

Jay Moore,
History on our Roadmap:

Started Nov. 2017
* Integrate blockchain into IoT message bus
* Commercial WP release March 2018
* Token pre-sale- 850k through May 2018
* Token purchasers asked us to solve blockchain scale
* Research, design finished in Jan. 2019- 200+ of pages, 100,000 word notes documents of all major chains and projects scaling, consensus, economics (monetary supply, tokenomics)
* Wrote design of tech, submitted 4 patent pends

Looked at Smart Contacts
* April 2019 realized it was not possible to scale through sharding with current Smart Contact approach
* 2 patent pend. XBOM™️ and XSOA™️
* Design an First Class Object Model, Decentralized GlobalOS and Object Oriented Blockchain™️ (OOB™️)
* Published our Technical WP with published Patent Filings
* Launched XBOM MVP on HyperLedger.

This month and into next year:
Whitelisting KYC/AML platform support.

Completing our Private Presale and launching our DeFi pools in a 12 month dutch auction to raise the additional capital we need to complete mainnet and launch the Collaborative and regional Labs initiative.


Q1. @AlabiAbdullarh

I hold $DGT and would like to hold more but as an investor, being able to exchange coins gives more confidence to hold more. When would $DGT be listed on exchange sites?

Jay Moore,
Abbullah, we love to have community hodlrs of $DGT, thank you. To answer your question, we wil be listing DeFi liquidity pools within the next 60 days for community to participate in the $DGT success.

Q2. @AlbayHaluk

The DataGrid is a product of Prasaga. How will this product promote individual sovereignty and decentralized markets? What is the difference between your advanced accounting technology standards and other general ledgers?

Jay Moore,
Hi Haluk, thanks for your question. Individual Sovereignty and Decentralized Marketplaces are a natural occurrence in the DataGrid Blockchain (DGB).

Individual Sovereignty, is achieved through the account and object structure in DGB via XBOM. Every account can have a globally uniqueID and all assets owned by the account are subsets of the UniqueID. This means that any access to any of YOUR state, data, assets, medical records etc. can ONLY be accessed if you give explicit permission.

For Decentralize Multi-sided Marketplaces, again we look at the XBOM tech as it allows an account to transfer an object from one account to another with no intermediary. Now you can list items for offer in an open marketplace such as an Amazon, E-bay etc. There is no custodialship of the asset and all transfers of assets between accounts is direct without intermediaries.

Q3. @MesutGunerri

What are the top 3 advantages and benefits of The DataGrid Blockchain compared to other blockchains? What innovations does the DataGrid Blockchain offer? What makes Prasaga stand out?

Jay Moore,
“Your phone, your computer, and your smartwatch all have operating systems that make it easy to develop for and to use. That’s good. But the Blockchain is hard. We need the Blockchain to be easy. Now it is. XBOM is the operating system for the DataGrid Blockchain, and XBOM makes it easy to develop for and to use the DG Blockchain.”
- Michael Holdmann

1) We provide scaling beyond any other blockchain with XBOM
2) We are easier to develop and use as we have an operating system running on the blockchain.
3) We have a monetary policy that will stabilize our currency.

We have built a more efficient hybrid PoW/PoS that will be leveraged by our XBOM with our parallelization as you add more resources to the network it continues increase in speed. Giving us the maximum transaction rate allowed by the bandwidth of the internet.

Cost is a different component where we have a new approach to governing and monetary policy where DGT will “Begin as a token to invest in and become a currency to invest with” as we deploy our Digital GDP to set our burn/mint to the economy of the blockchain not external conditions.

We believe if you have the fastest blockchain that is the easiest to develop on and provides a stabilized currency for transactions we will gain a strong lead in the crypto space.

Q4. @Cebihuseyin61

I’m curious about the team’s record. I think it is important to invest on a project who has a reliable workers. Do the team already worked on something related to crypto industry?

Jay Moore,
The team at Prasaga is one of the main reasons there is a Crypto Industry.

Did you know, the individual who first to implement Network Address Translation (NAT), wrote Port Address Translation (PAT) is a Blockchainer?

Did you know the Founder of Garage Games whom coined the phrase “Indie Dev” and built a community of 250k game devs creating their games on the open platform is a Blockchainer?

Did you know, the individual, while an owner of JV Routerware that wrote/co-wrote/participated in, the high performance full TCP/IP, various network protocol standards including MPLS, OSPF, BGP, RIP, VLAN, NAT, IP, IP Load Balancing, SNMP, RSVP, ARP, ICMP, LLC, X.25, PPP, TELNET, TFTP, FTP, HTTP, etc.

Did you know, the individual that returned, along with the personally loaned operating manuals to Dr. Wang, a tape of WYSIWYG in 1978 at 14 yrs old (Can you guess what WYSIWYG may have become) is a Blockchainer?

(We are all veteran innovators with 20 new ventures between us — how could we resist blockchain and not be dead)

Q5. @Halady251

What have you lost and what have you gained from not doing an IEO in your opinion?

Jay Moore,
HI Ryan, have not seen this question yet thank you. We are anti IEO as the ONLY ones that seem to have benfitted from them is the CEX’s. Projects would only get a small fracton of the token sale for the exchange.

The second reason the that they were all pump and dump for traders not interested in the projects helath or use case, they were only there for self-interest and saw many projects and investors fall victim to the scam.


Q1. @chidung7271

One of the ways to promote the project and attract users is to create local #DGT communities around the world. Does #DGT have any plans for this In 2020, will #DGT promote One Marketing? Because MARKETING is the source of almost every project?

Jay Moore,

We believe the community is as important as the technology in creating an impact on the planet. We have the DataGrid Collaborative and each regional group will be an official Lab.

We announced last week our first Lab is in the Philippines

We will engage with developers, miners and token holders in each Lab. We also will be creating ambassador and evangelist roles (Green @Aircatchdroper is our first ambassador in PH).

We will also link globally to a network of blockchain accelerators/incubators and enterprise level partners who can empower entrepreneurs and researchers in every Lab to pursue local and global projects.

Q2. @Abparveez

How does the $DGT ecosystem base framework affect the platform’s governance? Will having a central board take away from the decentralized essence of the project at all as a typical company would have?

Jay Moore,

Our governace is designed to be fully decentralized so that we have an algorythmic approach to voting that will give on person (with a blockchain ID system) one vote for any changes to the blockchain.

We are designed to be much more plyable by not having to fork the chain in order to make improvements and not have the leadership of the development become centralized.

The Prasaga Foundation will remain to run a master node for the preservation of the chain should anything happen to the internet and to carry out the philentrophic purpose of the project. We have done all the planning to be sure that it too will remain true to its mission and not require any dependence on specific individuals to succeed long term.

Q3. @VictoriaBTC20

From technological and commercial perspectives, how can traditional companies be integrated into the blockchain?What are your plans for traditional companies that continue to exist with their own systems?

Michael Holdmann ,

Nice question and one of the things we need to focus on if we want to build a community.

DataGrid Blockchain an DataGrid Token ($DGT) are designed to only succeed if there is an actual economy that can be built on it. By creating a way for businesses to create a business account on the DGB and in that account have every inventory item intrinsic to it with the enablement of transferring that asset to another account, i.e. automobile manufacturer transfers title and a containment tree (all attributes of that specific automobile) to the new owners account creates a much more efficient an accurate auditing systems for warranty and other needs.

Although there are no intermediaries of custodians needed in the DGB for settlement, this does not mean a stock/securities broker will not be necessary. Someone needs to scan the decentralized marketplaces to find the opportunties for you, unless you will be giving up your job to be a day trader, you still need these types of services.

Q4. @Missqueen2601

Q. What is business model of your project? How it works ?
Who are your potential customers and which markets are you targeting on?

Jay Moore,

We have had to reimagine everything we’ve ever done in starting new ventures and using current business models.

This is not a centralized corporation.

We are going to be Foundation driven, with a modest operating budget created by fees (decentralized true DAO approach).

We are sponsoring the DataGrid Collaobrative (DGC) which will be building the ecosystem and community that supports the DataGrid Blockchain. We have it on our roadmap to establish a fund for promising new projects as part of our ecosystem support.

We have put in place an Enterprise organization that is using a traditional SaaS model for licensing to large enterprises our XBOM technology on HyperLedger. This will provide some additional revenue to the Prasaga Foundation and keep all our commercial efforts separate and discreet so that division could even be aquired by another party and it wouldn’t effect the DataGrid Community.

Q5. @Anu500

Could you give us an overview of the tokenomics? Is the token designed to rise and fall with the success of the platform, and does it include any scarcity paths such as stake, store, or burn?

Michael Holdmann ,

Hello Angela, Our tokenomics regarding the long term sustainability of the $DGT was most important aspect. We do not agree the Store of Value that all crypto-commodities (none of them are currencies) have become was the original intent of Satoshi Nakamoto, and Satoshi even raised the issue that there is no way to stop that phenomenon from happening.

This we did solve for, we are not have a total coin limit as that is mathematically proven to ONLY be a race to zero. Instead we are ensuring through familiar monetary policy M*V=P*Y, that the $DGT will be stabilized based on the need to the currency on the rate of transactions on the Blockchain.

There is NO central board, only recommendation boards across many disciplines and the only way anything can be implemented is to have a majority or super majority vote of the community agree to the changes. The DGB wil be fully decentralize and community governed.

Thank you for trusting Infinity Chain Club as the organizer of the event today, hopefully everyone can understand about Prasaga.

Join our Telegram Group and you can talk directly with other Communities and enjoy some of the events that we created. We are always here to support.

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Infinity_Chain News

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